How To Communicate After A Car Accident

Law Blog

When you are in a car accident that was caused by another driver, you can file a claim with his or her automobile insurance to recoup your damages. However, you have to proceed with caution when it comes to speaking with the negligent driver's insurance company. The following are some tips to help you with this process:

How Does an Insurance Claim Work?

After the accident happens, you and the driver will exchange information. Part of your claim will require the other driver's insurance information, which you can get from the police report. Once this happens, you should contact the insurer to let them know the accident happened and you wish to make a claim.

The insurance carrier will then evaluate the accident and determine liability. The scene of the accident will be a major part of the insurance carrier's investigation.

Should You Speak at the Scene of the Accident?

What you and the other driver say at the accident scene will have a significant impact on how liability is determined. If the other driver shows immediate remorse for the accident and expresses that sentiment to you in front of witnesses, the insurer will have a difficult time denying liability for its insured driver.

On the other hand, if you claim some or all of the responsibility for the accident, the insurance carrier can deny you some or all of your claim. What you should never do at the scene is discuss liability for the accident. If you do, it could damage your case.

Should You Speak to Law Enforcement?

You should definitely provide a statement to the responding police officer. The information in the police report is what the insurance company uses primarily to determine liability. There is a likelihood that you and the other driver will have different versions of how the accident happened. At that point, the insurer will dig deep into the investigation, which may include speaking to you directly.  

Should You Speak to the Insurance Carrier?

If you do not want to speak to the other driver's insurance carrier, you do not have to do so. The problem arises when the insurance adjuster tries to gather information prior to your knowledge of all the money you are out as a result of the accident. You may not be able to provide proper information on all that you have suffered right away. For that reason, you should wait to speak to the adjuster until you know all your damages. For the best results, you may want to hire an attorney that specializes in auto accident law to correspond with the insurance carrier for you.


24 April 2020

Legal Issues in Flipping Property

People with an eye for property can make a great deal of money buying a house, fixing it up and then selling it for a profit. However, there are many legal issues involved in this kind of pursuit. I am an attorney with experience in real estate, and I have helped many clients learn the legal details involved in flipping property. This blog will help you understand what you need to know when you are buying and selling a home as well as information about paying taxes on money made and property owned. Flipping houses can be a very profitable activity as long as you know how to do it legally.