How To Build A Personal Injury Case

Law Blog

If you believe that you have been the victim of negligence resulting in an injury, you may be able to make a personal injury claim. The problem is that taking a personal injury claim to court is not as simple as saying, "That guy hurt me." Instead, you need to be able to back up your claim with solid evidence. Knowing what evidence to gather, how to gather it, and how to build it into a good case is key to a successful trip to the courtroom, and for that you need the help of a good lawyer. 

Gathering Evidence

Evidence in a personal injury case can take many forms. If you were hurt by falling off of a rope swing on someone else's property, then evidence could be the rope itself, the presence or absence of supervision, the use of harness or other safety mechanism, etc. As a layperson looking at the scene of the accident, you may not be able to identify solid evidence, so you will want to consult with a lawyer to know what to look for. 

Secondly, you will need to be able to gather the evidence quickly. Conditions, traffic, human tampering, and other variables can cause evidence to disappear or deteriorate. Thus, you need to gather the evidence before it has a chance to degrade. 

Building a Case

You can have all of the right evidence to support your case, but if your evidence is not comprehensible to a judge, then you will not be able to prove your claim. Lawyers have the wisdom that comes from training and experience, which helps them to know which evidence to present first, when to call in witnesses or experts to interpret the evidence, and how to explain the significance of evidence to a judge. This wisdom is indispensable when it comes to winning a personal injury case. 

If you were injured due to the negligent actions of another, then there is no reason why you should be stuck with the sole responsible to pay for the injuries you sustain. Simply walking up to the person or people who are responsible for your injuries and asking them to pay for your doctor bills is not the best tact. To avoid complications and confrontations that could decrease your ability to receive damages, you should trust the work of making a personal injury case to properly trained lawyers like Marcus & Mack.


10 February 2015

Legal Issues in Flipping Property

People with an eye for property can make a great deal of money buying a house, fixing it up and then selling it for a profit. However, there are many legal issues involved in this kind of pursuit. I am an attorney with experience in real estate, and I have helped many clients learn the legal details involved in flipping property. This blog will help you understand what you need to know when you are buying and selling a home as well as information about paying taxes on money made and property owned. Flipping houses can be a very profitable activity as long as you know how to do it legally.